Tuesday, April 22, 2014

De-Stress for Success

Feeling stressed?  Drop in the library and participate in fun activities to de-stress before your finals. 
Monday, April 28, 1:00 (meet in the library) - Walk off your stress, by joining the library staff for a stroll on the new walking path. If it rains the walk will be held inside.
Tuesday, April 29, 11:00-1:00- Paws for a study break with therapy dogs from Caring Therapy Canines.
Tuesday, April 29, 11:30-1:30- Dance your stress away by playing Wii Just Dance in the Community Room.
Monday & Tuesday (April 28 & 29)
- Join the library staff by wearing your fitness apparel
-Boost your brain power by making your own healthy granola in the library (while supplies last)
Share your pictures of the events that you participate in via Instagram #waynedestress for your chance to win a prize.
For questions contact the library circulation desk at 330-684-8789 or email us at waynelibrary@uakron.edu.

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