Tuesday, April 22, 2014

De-Stress for Success

Feeling stressed?  Drop in the library and participate in fun activities to de-stress before your finals. 
Monday, April 28, 1:00 (meet in the library) - Walk off your stress, by joining the library staff for a stroll on the new walking path. If it rains the walk will be held inside.
Tuesday, April 29, 11:00-1:00- Paws for a study break with therapy dogs from Caring Therapy Canines.
Tuesday, April 29, 11:30-1:30- Dance your stress away by playing Wii Just Dance in the Community Room.
Monday & Tuesday (April 28 & 29)
- Join the library staff by wearing your fitness apparel
-Boost your brain power by making your own healthy granola in the library (while supplies last)
Share your pictures of the events that you participate in via Instagram #waynedestress for your chance to win a prize.
For questions contact the library circulation desk at 330-684-8789 or email us at waynelibrary@uakron.edu.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Prom “Flashback” Contest

Take a trip down memory lane by stopping in the library to cast your vote for your favorite Faculty/Staff High School Prom picture April 14-May 3.  Vote with your spare change!  All money collected will be donated to People to People ministries in conjunction with the Food for Fines Campaign.  The picture that collects the highest donation will be crowned the winner and will receive a $25.00 gift card to the bookstore.
Questions can be emailed to Tina Kilcullen at tkilcul@uakron.edu.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Food For Fines!

Beginning April 1 until the end of the semester, Wayne College Library will be accepting non-perishable food items in lieu of money owed on fines!

Items most needed are:
• cereal
• applesauce
• canned pasta dinners (ravioli or spagettios)
• crackers
• peanut butter

Canned and  non-perishable items will be accepted at one item for every dollar owed. Sorry, we cannot forgive charges associated with lost materials replacement as part of this fine forgiveness campaign.

Even if you do not have any library fines, please consider contributing to this worthy cause.

All items collected will be donated to People to People Ministries.

If you have any questions you can contact Tina Kilcullen at tkilcul@uakron.edu.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Wayne College Library Spring Break Hours

Wayne College Library will be open the following hours over Spring Break, March 24 – 29, 2014:

Monday through Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Saturday March 29, 2014: CLOSED

It is back to business as usual on Monday, March 31, 2014

Enjoy Spring Break